Business Conduct Policy
Amended: 12/01/2023
Provided by: Department of Human Resources
Related Links and Resources:
- Finance Webpage
- Postdoctoral Scholars’ Handbook
- Collective bargaining agreements
- Faculty should refer to the handbook of their primary school affiliation for guidance
This policy applies to all staff, temporary staff, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, independent contractors, affiliates or any other members of the Tufts community, including those hired contractually or who work under faculty or postdoctoral scholar handbooks, or who are otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
Tufts University, like other large, complex institutions, operates by means of a decentralized organizational structure through which responsibility is delegated for a variety of business and accounting functions. This delegation is managed through the issuance of policies and procedures prescribing the manner in which business transactions are to be administered, and through the setting of specific limitations and internal control procedures.
In conjunction with the policies set forth in this Policies and Procedures, the University has designed a Business Conduct Policy to serve as a guide to appropriate business behavior. It is the responsibility of each employee to familiarize himself or herself with, and to abide by, the Business Conduct Policy including the confidentiality of personal or business information. All employees are provided with a copy of this policy at the beginning of employment. If you have any questions or need an additional copy of the policy, contact Human Resources or the Finance Division’s website.
- Working With One Another
- Confidentiality
- Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy
- Vendor Relations/Fair Trade
- Acceptance of Personal Gifts and Entertainment
- Proper Accounting
- Protecting University Assets
- Fraud Investigations
- Regulatory Compliance
- Information Stewardship
- Name and Insignia Use Policy on Media Relations
- Copyright Infringement
Provided by Human Resources