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Conflict of Interest Guidance

Tufts Conflict of Interest Portal – User Instructions

Tufts has implemented a new internal platform for the collection and review of Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosures. The new system can be accessed at Please see below for additional guidance on the use of the system. Additional information regarding Tufts COI policies and procedures can be found at Any additional questions should be directed to

Download the full COI guide

Login Instructions

Please visit to log in to the system using your Tufts username and password. If you do not know your Tufts username, you may access the Username Recovery tool here: 

Accessing Your COI Disclosure Form

If you have new COI disclosures to complete, you may access them on the Home page under “Disclosures I Need to Complete”. If you previously submitted a disclosure and would like to make updates, expand the bar which reads “Show Disclosures Available to Update”


There are three sections to the form:

  • The main page, on which most of the questions and content appear
  • The Significant Financial Interest (SFI) page, which will appear after the main page IF you indicate that you have SFIs to disclose
  • A certification page, which constitutes your signature on the form

You may use the buttons at the top of the page to navigate, save and return later, or view a summary of your responses so far.

Accessibility Note: Due to technical limitations of the platform, all buttons aside from “Next” or “Save and Submit” will appear as a light colored text on white background. If you have difficulty reading this text, you may hover your cursor over the button to view the text in black on white background. The button for Go To Summary does not have a hover – it is the rightmost button.

Role at Tufts

The introductory questions will ensure that the appropriate questions for your role at Tufts are displayed to you. If your primary employer is not Tufts and you are not involved with research, you will be presented with a brief form to complete. If your primary employer is Tufts or you are involved with research, you will be presented with a number of options regarding your role at Tufts. Please check off all that apply to you.

Other Support

If you are involved in research at Tufts, you will be asked to disclose any outside sources of Other Support. Please review the definition carefully before responding. If you have Other Support to disclose, please follow the directions below:

  • Indicate Yes in response to the question “To the best of your knowledge, have you and/or anyone on your research team received Other Support from any domestic OR international sources?”
  • A data grid will appear. Click Add to open the data grid window and enter information.
  • You will be prompted to enter the Name, Country, Timeframe and Nature of the Relationship related to the Other Support. If you have received Other Support from multiple sources, or multiple types of Other Support from the same source, indicate each in a separate entry using the Add Row button. You may disclose as many times as necessary.
  • Click Save to save your responses and close the Other Support data grid.

Foreign Engagement

If you are involved in research at Tufts, you will be asked to disclose certain instances of Foreign Engagement. Please review the definition carefully before responding. If you have Foreign Engagement to disclose, please follow the directions below:

  • Indicate Yes in response to the question “Do any of the above referenced types of foreign engagement apply to you? If so, select Yes to disclose.”
  • A data grid will appear. Click Add to open the data grid window and enter information.
  • You will be prompted to enter the Name, Country, Timeframe and Nature of the Relationship related to the Foreign Engagement. If you multiple relationships to disclose, or have multiple relationship types for a given entity, indicate each in a separate entry using the Add Row button. You may disclose as many times as necessary.
  • Click Save to save your responses and close the Foreign Engagement data grid.

Gifts and Travel

If you have received gifts (including reimbursed travel) from a person or entity that you know to be involved with Tufts, you must disclose them here. If you have gifts or sponsored travel to disclose, please follow the directions below:

  • Indicate Yes in response to the question “Please fill out the following details with regards to the gifts (including reimbursed travel) disclosed.”
  • A data grid will appear. Click Add to open the data grid window and enter information.
  • You will be prompted to enter information related to the gift or reimbursed travel. You may disclose as many times as necessary by using the Add Row button.
  • Click Save to save your responses and close the Gifts & Travel data grid.


Family Relationships

If you teach or supervisor a family member, you will be asked to disclose it in this section. Please note that the questions in this section refer to an expanded definition of family member than what is used elsewhere in the survey for financial interests. Please review the definition carefully before responding.

  • If you have a supervisory relationship with your family member, indicate Yes to the question “Do you supervise, review, determine salary, or assign work to a family member at Tufts, or does a family member supervise, review, determine salary or assign work to you?”
  • Additional questions will appear. Indicate whether you are the supervisor or the supervisee and input the requested information in the grid by clicking Add.
  • Click Save to save your input and close the data grid.

External Relationships

If you or an immediate family member have involvement in an entity which is doing business with Tufts University, it may constitute a conflict of interest whether or not you are paid. For this reason, if you indicate Yes to the question “Do you and/or your immediate family member serve as a paid OR unpaid owner, officer, board member, or employee of any business or entity (including a non-profit) that is doing business or proposing to do business with Tufts University?”, you will be asked to submit a Significant Financial Interest disclose on the next page, even if you are not paid.

If you or an immediate family member are the owner of a business or practice through which you/they provide services similar to those that you provide to Tufts (medical, dental, counseling, coaching, consulting), follow the below instructions:

  • Indicate YES in response to the question “Do you or your immediate family member run a business or practice outside of Tufts providing services that are similar to the services you provide Tufts(e.g., Dental, Medical or Counseling private practice, coaching, or consulting)?”
  • The Referrals section will appear. Use the data grid to enter the Name and Nature of the Business by clicking Add.
  • Indicate if any of the conditions listed apply to this business. Check all that apply.

Significant Financial Interests

Please review the definition of Significant Financial Interest (SFI) closely before responding. If a SFI is indicated by selecting Yes, you will be given a form to disclose on the following page. If you do not have any SFIs to disclose, you may click Next to be taken to the certification page and complete your disclosure form.

If you have SFIs to disclose, you may click Next to be taken to the SFI page. All questions on this page refer to the same entity. Please respond to all questions accurately. If you have multiple SFIs to disclose, you can do so by clicking the Add Another SFI button at the top or bottom of the page. If you need to review what you have entered so far, click the Go to Summary button at the top or bottom of the page.

Accessibility Note: Due to technical limitations of the platform, all buttons aside from “Next” or “Save and Submit” will appear as a light colored text on white background. If you have difficulty reading this text, you may hover your cursor over the button to view the text in black on white background. The buttons for Go To Summary and Delete This Section do not have hovers – they are the rightmost and second from the right buttons respectively.

If you have finished disclosing all relevant SFIs, click Save and Submit to be taken to the certification page and complete your disclosure form.