Did You Know Building Forms Can be Easy with Kuali Build?

Did you know that you can use Kuali Build to easily build forms with built-in workflow? That's right, no more emailing those pdf forms around for approval signatures, you can now use Kuali Build to create the forms and automate the process.
Tufts Technology Services (TTS) launched to the community in April 2023. The service has seen significant success and continues to grow with about 60 staff across Tufts owning over 70 applications live in production (i.e., Procurement-Card/Travel-Card, Time Tracker) and there are about another 60 applications in discovery/development. Kuali Build not only automates our forms but it enhances the experience through the over 40 integrations that have been built to enable connecting to data in and out of tools like Salesforce, TechConnect, and PeopleSoft Finance, etc.
Getting Started with Kuali Build
Not sure where to begin? We have you covered!
- Learn more about what you need to do to get started with Kuali Build and how to access support and resources in the April 5 Kuali Build article.
- Enroll in our upcoming training Introduction to Kuali Build course on February 27 and 28 from 9-Noon via Zoom. Register via the Tufts Learn Center today!