Direct Deposit for Payroll
Audience: All Employees
Your Direct Deposit setup is a requirement of your Payroll Onboarding, and must be completed before pay can be issued. Direct deposit is a condition of hire for regular employees at Tufts University. As such, all employees must maintain a checking or savings account with a banking institution.
- How to Complete Direct Deposit in eServe
- How to Modify your Direct Deposit selections
With direct deposit, the net pay is deposited into the bank account of your choice. Please note that direct deposit cannot be made to an account in which the employee's name is not included. Direct deposit information can be changed at any time by logging onto eServe and updating your information, but please allow 1 pay cycle for the update to propagate across systems.
When entering your Routing Number, be sure to use the "paper & electronic" routing number, not the one indicated for "wires".
Paperless Pay
Employees at Tufts University use Employee Self Service (eServe), a secured and protected paperless system, to access payroll and benefits information, and to maintain personal information online.
Employees may opt to receive an email Notification of Deposit, and a reminder will be sent to the email on file when pay is processed. To do so, log into eServe and click into the Payroll & Compensation Tab. The “Notice of Deposit” tab will allow you to opt in or out of receiving these emails.