Employment at Will
Amended date: 12/01/2018
This policy explains the non-contract status of regular employees at Tufts. “Employees” is further defined in the definitions section below.
All employees receive a written confirmation of being hired, promoted or transferred at Tufts, which includes documentation of wage, benefits and references to specific policies and procedures that help guide employees and their managers in their everyday work life.
However, hiring, transfer or promotion letters nor the employee policies and procedures are a contract guaranteeing employment for any specific duration: employees are all considered at-will. Although it is hoped that the employment relationship with Tufts will be productive and satisfying, either the employee or Tufts may terminate this relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without cause or notice.
No one, other than the Vice President of Human Resources, has the authority to enter into any employment agreement with an employee, for any specified period or to make any promises or commitments contrary to the foregoing. Further, any employment agreement entered into by Human Resources shall not be enforceable unless it is in writing.
Staff: any benefits-eligible employee who has standard hours of 17.5 hours/week or more and is not otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Postdoctoral scholars’ employment conditions are outlined in the postdoc handbook. Faculty should refer to the by-laws of their primary school affiliation for guidance.
Related Links and Resources:
Postdoctoral Scholars Handbook
This Employment at Will is part of the HR Employee Policies and Procedures that can be found here.
Disclaimer: Changes to this policy and the handbook in which it is maintained may be made at any time, at the sole discretion of the University and is not a contract. Employment by the University is at will and either the employee or the University may end the employment relationship at any time.
Provided by Human Resources