Employment Verification
Audience: All Employees; Verifiers
Tufts University contracts with an external vendor, Experian Verify, to provide a secure employment and income verification service for current and former Tufts University employees. Access Experian Verify to receive on-demand employment and income verification.
Neither TSS nor Experian Verify can provide contract information, job descriptions, performance information, or flexible work agreements (including but not limited to Remote Work). Please work with your department administrative team for this information.
Department administrators may use this Remote Work Verification template.
Employee Portal & Data Reports
Current employees and eligible former employees may request one free Employee Data Report by visiting Experian Verify's website.
The Experian Employee Portal is available via Single Sign On (SSO) to all active employees based in the US with an SSN on file.
* If you do not have a Social Security Number on file or your work location is outside of the United States, please contact TSS@tufts.edu for assistance with your employment verification.
** Former eligible employees may contact TSS@tufts.edu for the Access Code to create their own login. You will be required to authenticate your identity when speaking with TSS.
Verifying Employment and/or Income History
1. Direct your verifier to www.experianverify.com to request your secure employment information
2. Your Verifier will need your full name, your Social Security Number, and a Signed Authorization (if requesting income)
3. The verification report is immediately available!
For assistance, contact Experian at 404-382-5400 or verify.support@experian.com
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Experian Verify?
- Experian Verify is a convenient, secure automated employment and income history verification system accessible online. It provides accurate and timely employment and income verification for current and former Tufts University employees.
- Why is the university using Experian Verify?
- Employment and income verification is often required for a mortgage application, personal credit approval, pre-employment screening, and tenant screening. Using Experian Verify greatly speeds up employee verification and reduces the cost of university staff manually retrieving and reporting information.
- When would I need to use Experian Verify?
- Anytime you need your employment or income verified, such as when you apply for employment, an apartment lease, a loan, or a mortgage.
- Log into Experian Verify to:
- Access your own information
- Generate your PSLF letter
- See verification requests from third-party verifiers
- Block access
- Provide verification information
- Dispute errors
- How do I set up my own login to Experian Verify?
- Active employees access the portal through SSO by visiting experian.tufts.edu.
- Former Employees must contact TSS@tufts.edu to collect the Access Code. Then, visit experianverify.com and click "Get Started" in the I am an Employee section and enter the required information and Access Code provided.
- How do I use Experian Verify?
- Complete your application document with the lender, landlord, prospective employee, or other verifier. To enable employment verification, provide your SSN to the verifier and have them access Experian Verify online at experianverify.com. You can also provide your verifier with a copy of the Verifier Reference Guide (PDF).
- What if my landlord or lender won’t pay for the verification?
- Most verifiers use this or a similar service because it speeds up their process, but if someone refuses to pay, you can log into the system once each year and generate your own verification so you can provide it to whomever you want.
- What information is provided for employment verification?
- Employment information:
- Work status
- Job title
- Original hire date
- Most recent hire/term date
- Current length of service (based on most recent hire date)
- Work History:
- Start/end dates and respective title of each role you've held at the university
- Employment information:
- What information is provided for income verification?
- Employment information:
- Work status
- Job title
- Original hire date
- Most recent hire/term date
- Current length of service (based on most recent hire date)
- Work History:
- Start/end dates and respective title of each role you've held at the university
- Income Information:
- Current/last rate of pay*
- Pay frequency*
- Last pay date
- Total gross pay from the last two years and to date for the current calendar year.
- Employment information:
- What if I have multiple appointments/jobs with the university?
- Your job title, rate of pay, and pay frequency that are displayed are based on data from your primary job or appointment with the university, but all active jobs on Tufts University Payroll are reported in your work history.
- Other than employment and income history, what other information is available through Experian Verify?
- None. Experian Verify provides only your payroll data and employment history. The company never provides a reason for separation or rehire eligibility.
- Is my data secure? Who can access my data?
- Your wage data can be accessed only by a person or organization that has your full social security number, employee authorization for accessing income information, and has been credentialed and authenticated by Experian Verify. Only a few government agencies may access your data without you granting permission.
- What is a social services verification?
- Various social service agencies manage economic self-sufficiency programs that administer federal, state or local public assistance funds to low-income families and individuals. Eligibility for these programs is determined by an applicant's monthly income. Caseworkers must verify the applicant's employment and income before providing assistance. Experian Verify Social Services Verification helps agency workers determine program eligibility, track program benefits, support quality control and investigate potential fraud.
- How current is Experian Verify data?
- The system is updated with payroll following the payroll calendars (weekly/semi-monthly), and the Work History and Employment Information is updated daily.
* Based on data from your primary job or appointment with the university.
Provided by Tufts Support Services