Expense Reporting and Reimbursement Policy
Amended: 6/6/2023
Provided by: Department of Finance
Related Links and Resources:
- Postdoctoral Scholars Handbook
- Conflict of Interest
- Code of Conduct
- Full Expense and Reimbursement Policies
This policy applies to all staff, temporary staff, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, independent contractors, affiliates, or any other members of the Tufts community, whether hired contractually or who work under faculty or postdoctoral scholar handbooks, or who are otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
This policy establishes the procedures all employees must follow when they are required to incur business-related expenses on behalf of the University. You are expected to use good judgment regarding all expenses incurred while conducting business for the University. Such expenses must be approved by your supervisor, reasonable in the circumstances, necessary and incidental to the performance of university business involved and, unless otherwise required by applicable law, for the primary benefit of the University rather than benefitting you.
Expense Reporting
You must properly substantiate all business expenses submitted for reimbursement in accordance with this policy. You are responsible for properly substantiating all charges incurred on behalf of the University. You are expected to submit original receipts or other supporting documentation for all business expenses incurred on behalf of the University in accordance with this policy. However, if a receipt or other supporting documentation is missing, lost, or nonexistent, a missing receipt form will need to be completed, which can be found on the policy page linked above.
All expense reports should be submitted in a timely manner in accordance with the policy linked above. Expenses submitted outside of the policy guidelines may be denied for reimbursement, at the University’s discretion, unless otherwise required by applicable law.
There are limits on the types and amounts of expenses that the University will reimburse. A list of expenses that will not be reimbursed by the University is included in the policy linked above, unless otherwise required by applicable law.
The University will not reimburse you for any expenses that are not required of you or that inure to the primary benefit to you rather than the University, unless otherwise required by applicable law. This includes, but is not limited to, expenses you incur by purchasing smartphones or other electronic devices that you own, voice or data plans on such devices, Internet service at your residence, other home-office equipment, or furniture, and like expenses. Even if items or services such as these are used for business purposes at times, you are generally not required to purchase them in order to perform your job duties, and they are primarily for your benefit rather than the University’s. Accordingly, expenses for items or services of this nature will not be reimbursed by the University, unless otherwise required by applicable law.
Further, any other expenses that, in the University’s discretion, are unreasonable, extravagant, or not business-related, will not be reimbursed by the University, unless otherwise required by applicable law.
Expenses that violate any of the guidelines above, including the linked policy, cannot be reimbursed unless you received approval from the University Controller or Vice President for Finance and Treasurer, in writing, prior to incurring the expense or unless reimbursement is otherwise required by applicable law
The University assumes no responsibility to reimburse you for expenses that are not in compliance with this policy, unless otherwise required by applicable law.