Health Sciences Student Billing Information
Changes to Tufts eBill
Tufts has converted to a new eBill system. Students can continue to access the eBill through their SIS Portal, but Parents and Other Viewers that have been authorized to view and pay bills through eBill will need to be re-invited. Going forward, Parents and Other Viewers will need to access the eBill through the Invited Viewer Portal within SIS. Students will need to provide access to their Parents and Invited Viewers by granting them access to the “Bills and Balances” tab through the SIS Portal. Please follow the instructions at If a student does not authorize a Parent or Other Viewer access to eBill, then only the student will receive eBills.
If you have received a bill and you are not planning to attend Tufts this semester, contact the registrar's office for your school to have your student status corrected.
Billing Office Hours of Operation
The Health Sciences Bursar’s Office is operating remotely with normal business hours. For in-person transactions, refer to the hours below.
Payment Options
See: Health Sciences Tuition Payment Methods
Additional Bill Adjustments
Health Services: Massachusetts State Law requires that students have health insurance coverage. If you are covered under a comprehensive plan, then you may be eligible to waive the university health insurance plan beginning in June. To waive your health insurance, please visit your “Bills & Balances” tab in SIS at More information is available on the SAHA website or by contacting 617-636-2700.
Expected Credits: Expected credits from scholarship agencies or third-party organizations will appear on your bill when documentation is received. Once funding has arrived, the expected credit will be replaced by the payment. Monies that have not arrived by mid-semester may require follow up by the student. Please submit the documentation for your scholarship or third-party billing directly to the Bursar’s Office. We can place an expected credit on your account as well as bill the organization, if required.
Tuition Payment Plan: If you have enrolled in the Tuition Payment Plan and the expected credit is not on your bill, please contact The Health Sciences Bursar’s Office at 617-636-6551. For more information on how to enroll in the plan, please see Tuition Payment Methods.
Due Date of Bill: The due date of each item on your bill is displayed in the right-hand "DUE" column of the eBill next to each itemized semester charge. Any charge on your current bill that was on a previous bill is due upon receipt.
Late Fees: Payments must be made by the DUE DATE or will be subject to a late fee. Details of the late fee policy are available on the Paying Your Bill page.
Returned Checks and ePayments: Returned payments are subject to a $25 fine.
Under S2248 PL 115-407 Section 103, Tufts will not impose a late fee, denial of access to facilities, or other penalty against a veteran or eligible dependent due to a late payment of tuition and/or fees from VA.
If you have questions regarding your bill, contact the Health Sciences Bursar’s Office 617-636-6551 or email
Mailing Address
Please send correspondence to the following address: