Holidays and Winter Break Days Policy
Amended: 09/27/2023
Provided by: Department of Human Resources
Related Links and Resources
- Collective bargaining agreements
- Faculty: Faculty should refer to the handbook of their primary school affiliation for guidance.
- Postdoctoral Scholars Handbook
The holidays schedule noted below applies to all staff, temporary staff, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, or any other members of the Tufts community who are paid directly by Tufts University’s payroll department, whether hired contractually or who work under faculty or postdoctoral scholar handbooks, or who are otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
Pay provisions and Winter Break policies provide separate application guidelines in each section.
The university currently recognizes the following holidays:
Holidays and Holiday Pay
New Year’s Day |
January 1* |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day |
3rd Monday in January |
President’s Day |
3rd Monday in February |
Patriots’ Day |
3rd Monday in April |
Memorial Day |
last Monday in May |
Juneteenth |
June 19* |
Independence Day |
July 4* |
Labor Day |
1st Monday in September |
Indigenous Peoples Day |
2nd Monday in October |
Veterans’ Day |
November 11* |
Thanksgiving Day |
4th Thursday in November |
Day after Thanksgiving |
4th Friday in November |
Christmas Eve |
December 24** |
Christmas Day |
December 25** |
* When these days fall on a Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the following Monday; when they fall on a Saturday, the holiday will be observed on the previous Friday.
** When Christmas Eve and Christmas Day both fall on a weekday, employees will receive both days as holidays.
The university recognizes your right to observe the holidays of your religion. At your discretion, time taken for this reason may be considered vacation time, personal days, or absence without pay. You should discuss religious holidays with your supervisor well ahead of time, so that your supervisor can prepare for your absence from the workplace.
Holiday Pay
This Holiday Pay provision applies to all non-exempt staff who are paid directly by Tufts University’s payroll department and who are not otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
Benefits-eligible, full-time employees and part-time employees receive pay for university holidays without any waiting period. Part-time employees will receive pay only for the holidays which occur on the days they are regularly scheduled to work.
Non-exempt full-time employees and part-time employees who are required to work on a holiday will be compensated at time and one-half for hours worked on that day. In addition, such employees will receive either another day off as designated by the university within the same week, with supervisor approval or a day's pay at the normal rate.
The policy on holiday scheduling and holiday pay may not be applicable to departments that operate on a six- or seven-day work schedule. You should consult your Department Head if you are employed in a unit with such shift assignments.
If you are a non-exempt employee and are absent the day before or the day after a holiday, you will not receive pay for that holiday. Exceptions may be made for approved absences as well as absences protected by applicable law. If a university holiday falls during a leave of absence, you will not receive holiday pay.
President’s Bonus Days
In conjunction with established university holidays, the President of Tufts announces up to two (2) President’s bonus days, which are aligned with established university holidays. The bonus days will apply to all benefits-eligible Tufts staff. The provision of necessary services still requires some staff to work on these bonus days. Supervisors will be in touch with identified staff who need to come in that day and will determine whether another day can be taken.
President’s Bonus Day Pay
President’s Bonus Days are paid at straight time. Essential non-exempt/hourly employees who are required to work will be paid time and a half with an alternative day off. Employees with collective bargaining agreements should refer to those agreements for additional guidance.
Winter Break Days
This policy applies to eligible full-time employees and part-time employees that regularly work more than 17.5 hours per week. Those eligible employees receive pay for university Winter Break days without any waiting period.
In addition to the holidays described above the university provides Winter Break days (December 26 – December 31) to align annually to the university’s established Holiday days that occur at the end of each calendar year. Pay policies related to Winter Breaks are separate and distinct from other university paid time off and are outlined below. For specific pay policies, see below.
Exempt staff employees who are required to work on Winter Break days will be able to use the equivalent time in full-day increments during the balance of the Fiscal year with supervisor approval. These days cannot be carried over. The policy on Winter Break days scheduling and Winter Break pay may not be applicable to departments that operate on a six- or seven-day work schedule. You should consult your Department Head if you are employed in a unit with such shift assignments.
Winter Break Pay
Essential non-exempt staff employees who are required to work on Winter Break days will be paid at time and a half and are not eligible for an equivalent day off.
Dining employees hired after April 3, 2019 and beyond will receive straight time pay for the days identified as Winter Break.
Eligible part-time employees will be paid Winter Break pay consistent with their regular pay schedule.
Provided by Human Resources