Job Abandonment
Amended date: 12/01/2018
Communication between employees and supervisors is required in regard to all workplace questions and issues, but especially about scheduled and unscheduled absences.
Failure to notify a supervisor about any unscheduled absence may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Tufts employees who fail to report for work without notifying their supervisor for three (3) or more consecutive workdays will be considered to have voluntarily resigned, and are not ordinarily eligible for rehire.
Staff: any benefits-eligible employee who has standard hours of 17.5 hours/week or more and is not otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Postdoctoral scholars’ hiring practices are outlined in the postdoc handbook. Faculty should refer to the by-laws of their primary school affiliation for guidance.
Related Links and Resources:
Postdoctoral Scholars Handbook
This Job Abandonment Statement is part of the HR Employee Policies and Procedures that can be found here.
Disclaimer: Changes to this policy and the handbook in which it is maintained may be made at any time, at the sole discretion of the University and is not a contract. Employment by the University is at will and either the employee or the University may end the employment relationship at any time.
Provided by Human Resources