Kuali Build
Cloud-hosted no-code platform for creating online smart forms and approval workflows.
Kuali build offer the following features:
- Easily build and deploy forms and workflow processes with an easy-to-use drag and drop form builder, workflow tool and automated testing simulations.
- E-Signatures from your desktop or mobile device
- Solid security to ensure your data is safe.
- Fast approval of documents with automated email workflow
- Several integrations with other Tufts’ systems
- Process transparency so you know where your form is at any given time in the approval process.
Get Started
In order to build forms in Kuali Build, you need to do three things
Schedule a consultation to see if Kuali Build is the solution for you by emailing kuali-build-support@elist.tufts.edu.
If Kuali Build is the right solution for you, build permissions will be granted on your account (after you take the training course).
You will need to take the instructor-led training course before you are granted build permissions.
You can find and register for training in the Tufts Learning Center by searching for Kuali Build.
Note: Some schools/depts have already assigned in-house expert who will be able to train staff in their areas.
Upon completion of the training, you can start building your application/form via https://tufts.kualibuild.com/.
If you are an end user who has submitted a form, you can find the status of your form by using the steps in the online training guide under submitting forms.
Learn More
Kuali Build: Approval Workflow Forms (online guide)