Procurement at Tufts
Tufts Procurement is accountable for the efficient and effective acquisition of goods and services that support Tufts' academic, research, and central functions. We have established preferred suppliers in collaboration with stakeholders and cross-functional business partners. We support the community and central functions in selecting suppliers and negotiating contracts. Please contact a member on our team for assistance with preferred suppliers, strategic sourcing/competitive bidding or submit a contract review request if you only need a contract reviewed. If you are unsure on whom to contact, please email
Tufts Financial Operations
TSS Fin Ops is responsible for on-boarding suppliers, dispatching purchase orders, processing invoices, and making payments. TSS Fin Ops is also responsible for managing the Travel and Card Programs. Contact TSS Financial Operations by sending an email to
Purchasing Technology
Purchasing Technology
Tufts Financial Operations
Tufts Financial Operations
Provided by Finance