Progressive Discipline
Amended date: 12/01/2018
This policy applies to all weekly paid or non-exempt staff, as defined below.
From time to time, problems related to your job may develop. Such problems may include, but are not limited to: violation of or conflict with University policy, job performance, or other job-related situations. It is the University's intention that such issues be discussed openly and candidly, with the objective of improvement and prompt resolution. The University encourages timely, open, and candid discussion about performance, including coaching by supervisors and managers; this coaching should include specific feedback on necessary performance improvements, information on tools available to employees to improve performance, and clear timelines. If performance problems persist, a supervisor or manager may initiate the progressive discipline process. A human resource business partner will work with employees and supervisors during the progressive discipline process.
The following steps cover the normal pattern of corrective action for non-exempt employees who have completed the trial period. This policy does not apply to exempt employees. A human resource business partner should always be contacted prior to initiating the corrective action process.
Suggested Steps in the Progressive Discipline Process:
Verbal Warning: The supervisor discusses performance problems with the employee, the necessary improvements, and a date by which corrections should occur. The supervisor should document the date and content of the conversation.
First Written Warning: If problems persist, the supervisor should have another discussion with the employee. If warranted at this time, the employee may be issued a written warning. This warning will contain a statement of the problem(s), what corrections are necessary, and a date by which the improvement(s) should occur. The employee will be asked to sign the form indicating that they have read it. A copy should be placed in the employee's personnel file in Human Resources, and a copy should be given to the employee.
Second Written Warning: If problems persist, a second written warning may be issued adhering to the format outlined in step two above.
Suspension, Termination, or other Serious Disciplinary Action: If problems persist after the second written warning, disciplinary action, up to and including termination, may occur.
Certain infractions may result in immediate suspension or immediate termination. Such infractions include, but are not limited to, stealing or other acts of dishonesty, intoxication, threatening actions or language, unprofessional behavior, creating or contributing to a hostile work environment, workplace violence, violation of the University’s drug and alcohol policies, insubordination, sexual harassment, discrimination, breach of confidentiality, fraud, or clear cases of conflict of interest. In such cases, the decision to terminate an employee must be discussed with the human resource business partner prior to any action being taken. When circumstances warrant it, as determined by the university, the University retains the right to omit steps in the disciplinary process.
Staff: any benefits-eligible employee who has standard hours of 17.5 hours/week or more and is not otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Postdoctoral scholars’ hiring practices are outlined in the postdoc handbook. Faculty should refer to the by-laws of their primary school affiliation for guidance.
Related Links and Resources:
Postdoctoral Scholars Handbook
This Progressive Discipline Statement is part of the HR Employee Policies and Procedures that can be found here.
Disclaimer: Changes to this policy and the handbook in which it is maintained may be made at any time, at the sole discretion of the University and is not a contract. Employment by the University is at will and either the employee or the University may end the employment relationship at any time.
Provided by Human Resources