Scrap Paper Recycling
Did you know that anything smaller than a credit card cannot be recycled? This is because it is too small to make it through the recycling process; it will slip through the cracks in the machinery at the sorting facility. This means that items such as paper scraps cannot be placed in the blue recycling bins throughout campus.
Fortunately, the Tufts Eco-Reps created a program for these small pieces of paper in Spring 2021. In collaboration with the SMFA, paper scraps are collected and used in paper-making classes to create new paper.
The pilot scrap paper recycling bin is located in the Crafts Center near the paper cutter. The Eco-Reps hope to expand this project in the future.
Accepted Materials
The following types of paper can be placed in the Paper Scrap Specialty Recycling Bin:
- Newspaper
- Copy Paper
- Brown Paper Bags
- Notebook Paper
- Magazine Paper
The following types of paper cannot be placed in the paper scrap recycling bin: sticky notes, receipts
Note that this bin is only for scraps smaller than a credit card; please place larger scraps in a blue recycling bin.
Provided by Operations