Travel on University Business
Amended date: 4/15/2023
Provided by: Finance Department
Related Links and Resources:
- Full Expense and Reimbursement Policy (PDF)
- Expense information portal
- Finance Webpage
- Travel Webpages
- Collective bargaining agreements
- Postdoctoral Scholars Handbook
- Faculty: Faculty should refer to the handbook of their primary school affiliation for guidance.
This policy establishes the procedures all employees must follow when they are required to incur business-related expenses on behalf of the University. Employees are expected to use good judgment regarding all expenses incurred while conducting business for the University. Such expenses must be reasonable in the circumstances, necessary and incidental to the performance of university business involved and, unless otherwise required by applicable law, for the primary benefit of the University rather than the employee.
The University has established a policy for reimbursement of necessary and reasonable expenses as outlined below.
Employees who travel for the University on authorized business will be reimbursed for all necessary and reasonable expenses incurred while traveling, subject to department or project budget limitations or may use a University Travel Card.
All necessary travel approvals must be obtained from the traveler's supervisor, Chairperson, or Dean prior to the business trip.
Employees may not charge personal expenses to a Tufts University P-card. P-cards are for the exclusive use of business expenses. Any employee who misuses a P-card may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Employees are covered by travel accident insurance while away on approved University business trips.
Travel from an employee’s home to Tufts and back is not reimbursable. Additional information can be found on the Finance Division’s website.
Provided by Human Resources