Tufts WiFi provides on campus wireless access to the internet and Tufts network services.
You can connect by choosing one of the networks below from your device’s list of available networks. Members of the Tufts community can also connect to the Tufts network securely from off-campus via VPN or at other institutions by using Eduroam.
Choose a WiFi Network
- Tufts_Secure is the preferred network for all members of the Tufts community. It provides an encrypted connection with added security protections.
- To access Tufts_Secure, choose the network and sign in with your Tufts Username and Password. Please note that you may be prompted to log in each time you connect from a new location.
- Tufts_Wireless allows you to register up to 10 devices and access the network from any location on the Tufts campuses.
- To access Tufts_Wireless, choose the network and open a web browser to connect to the device registration page. You can also reach the page by manually entering the address: https://device-registration.it.tufts.edu. Use the device registration page from a connected device to register gaming consoles, TVs, and any internet-enabled device that doesn’t have a built-in web browser.
- For help, see Manual (Non-Browser) Device Registration.
- Tufts_Guest is the network for visitors to the Tufts campuses. The network provides short-term, hot-spot style access to the internet.
- To access Tufts_Guest, choose the network and follow the prompts to connect.
- For help, see the Guest Wireless Tip Sheet (PDF).
Provided by Tufts Technology Services